Our Services

1. Providing necessary training to all citizens of Myanmar regardless of race and religion from various regions and states who want to work at the shipyards in Korea with an E 7-3 visa as a welder technician level at the Sinmalike Shipyard under the Ministry of Transport and Communications and connecting them with job opportunities.

2. Co-opening and teaching Korean, Japanese, Thailand and English basic language courses for work so that there are no difficulties in the workplace when traveling to foreign countries to work.

3. Providing Passport application service for those who do not have a Passport (PJ) required to travel to foreign countries.

 4. For those who want to work in Japan with a Training Visa, Tokutei Ginou visa, we are opening and teaching the necessary courses to get familiar with Japan's traditional culture and customs, and connect with employment opportunities. 

5. Those who pass the Japanese language test N3, N2 (JLPT, JFT, NAT-Test, Top J) and above, who have a Work Visa, we are connecting with related courses and services below: 

• Translation services 

• IT businesses 

• Engineering related works (Civil, Mechanical, EP, EC, Auto CAD, etc) 

• Nursing support activities 

Those who want to work with a Training Visa, we are also providing services to following businesses: 

• Car repair and related works

 • Industrial works 

• House building works 

• Food industries 

• Rice box factories 

• Shop operations

• Hotel businesses

• Garment industries

 • Construction works

 • Agricultural works 

• Water products; Fishery-related factories 

• Elderly care services businesses 

6. For those who want to work in countries such as Dubai, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Japan, Korea and etc., we provide services to facilitate employment opportunities, if necessary, we connect with many courses such as computer training and basic English courses.

7. The above services are arranged and provided in accordance with the standards of Ethical Recruitment and Fair Labor Practices established by the International Recruitment Integrity System (IRIS)


New Comet Agency has opened HIT Language Center to provide language requirement in the workplace. 


From the HIT Language Center

• Korean Language Class that will teach business expressions needed in the KOSHIPA SKILL TEST INTERVIEW to give you an advantage in communication even if you have the same skills.
• Japanese Language Class for those who want to master the Japanese language from the basics
• For those who want to go to Japan with Tokutei Visa, Work-only (Training Visa), Elderly care (Kaigo), Beginner / IT computer degree, we are constantly connecting with training schools and providing training classes to make them full of talent.
• For those who want to take Japanese language courses in the other surrounded cities, we are connecting with other joint language schools in Bago, Mawlamyine, and Sagaing.